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1826 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Fairfax, CA 94930 (415) 451-4973


Mon-Fri: 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Sat: 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sun: 11:30 pm to 5:00 pm


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

postheadericon Need Clothes For Burning Man?

SOLD (boots are still available)

     It's hard to believe but the annual event known as Burning Man began 24 years ago!  It started as a bonfire ritual on the summer solstice of 1986 when Larry Harvey, Jerry James and a few of their friends met on Baker Beach in San Francisco and burned a 9-foot wooden man as well as a smaller wooden dog. Harvey has described his inspiration for burning these effigy figures as an act of radical self-expression.  So it seems only fitting that attendees for the upcoming event  (August 30-Sept.6) dress accordingly. Lola's Depot has a variety of clothes and accessories to help make your Burning Man experience your own  "radical act of self-expression".

Black belly dancing sash

Pink belly dancing sash