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1826 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Fairfax, CA 94930 (415) 451-4973


Mon-Fri: 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Sat: 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sun: 11:30 pm to 5:00 pm


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

postheadericon Happy Holidays!

Lola's Depot wishes you a wonderful and stress-free holiday filled with light and love.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

postheadericon THANK YOU!

     Given that Thanksgiving is the holiday of thankfulness we would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their continued support of Lola's Depot by offering a sale of 20% off on clothing!  This special will be offered for three days after Thanksgiving: 

Friday, Nov. 27, Saturday Nov. 28, Sunday, Nov. 29
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

postheadericon Halloween at LOLA'S DEPOT!!!

     Halloween is creeping up soon! Please visit us at LOLA'S DEPOT for your Halloween creativity. Not only do we have costumes (everything from pretty princess to wicked witch) but we have many great accessories to go with your harrowing Halloween persona. Please visit us at Lola's. You're bound to find both a trick and a treat!
Friday, August 27, 2010

postheadericon Only Four More Days before Burning Man!

Be you a burning man, or a burning woman you can be hot, hot, hot!  Lola's Depot is here to help make your Burning Man experience a memorable one.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

postheadericon Need Clothes For Burning Man?

SOLD (boots are still available)

     It's hard to believe but the annual event known as Burning Man began 24 years ago!  It started as a bonfire ritual on the summer solstice of 1986 when Larry Harvey, Jerry James and a few of their friends met on Baker Beach in San Francisco and burned a 9-foot wooden man as well as a smaller wooden dog. Harvey has described his inspiration for burning these effigy figures as an act of radical self-expression.  So it seems only fitting that attendees for the upcoming event  (August 30-Sept.6) dress accordingly. Lola's Depot has a variety of clothes and accessories to help make your Burning Man experience your own  "radical act of self-expression".

Black belly dancing sash

Pink belly dancing sash

Monday, July 19, 2010

postheadericon "Don't go home, Come to Lola's Depot."

     Yes, you can even find extra terrestrial at Lola's Depot. We have a new selection of collectibles. Not only is ET a resident here but we have a variety of toys from the Tim Burton movie "Mars Attacks". 

As well as having these gruesome packaged creatures, we have a few wonderful American Dolls in. They seem to find homes very quickly. They are a big favorite here.  We have this little lovely now. 

     Lola's has the old classic collectibles as well. Who can resist a gathering of Mickey and Minnie. It just brings a smile to your face to see these two in their many incarnations. They are a couple of  American icons of happiness. 

     Also, we have taken to rescuing discarded baby dolls. This little cutie, has been well-loved but she needs a new home. 

 "I love to cuddle."

     If you're interested, Please call us at (415) 451-4973 or just come by and visit us here at Lola's.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

postheadericon Everything From Dolls to Tea Cups

Lola's Depot is a funky, upbeat little thrift shop nestled between Magpie, and Yeah Baby. It has everything from Star Wars collectibles to kitchen ware. The store owner Joelle Levy, has created a fantastic environment. It is worth checking out even if you have a day when you just want to window shop. It is both entertaining, and versatile for the buyers needs.