Saturday, December 19, 2015

postheadericon Season Of Light

Please join us at Lola's Depot during this holiday season.  We have unique gifts and a setting that celebrates the joy of this season.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

postheadericon HALLOWEEN

Can't think of a costume for Halloween.  Let us help you out.  We have a variety of costumes, masks, hats and accessories.  Come visit us at Lola's Depot. We will happy to help you out with your Halloween fun.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Time To Prepare For Your Burning Man Experience

Shop at Lola's Depot

Friday, December 21, 2012

postheadericon Tis' The Season


Please come visit us at Lola's Depot for all of your holiday shopping. We have many unusual gifts to offer, and plenty of stocking stuffers. We have assorted gift wrapping items, ornaments, and Christmas decorations.

We look forward to seeing you here at Lola's and helping to make your holiday season a little brighter.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

postheadericon SEASON OF LIGHT

We have many wonderful items here at Lola's to add to the enjoyment of your holiday gift-giving season. Everything from DVDs, picture books, gift-wrap, greeting cards, and much more. 

We have American Girl Dolls as depicted here, plus clothing and accessories for them.

Plus there are unusual specialty items as shown here: and unusual pair of tiger slippers, and Mrs. Potato Head.

Always plenty of Barbies on hand, and of course.....

Plenty of festive holiday outfits (for both men and women). 

Hope we see you soon, and that your holidays are filled with light and blessings.
Thursday, October 13, 2011

postheadericon Tis the Season To Be Scary

Have a fun Halloween. Come visit us at Lola's Depot for all your ghoulish supplies.

postheadericon Lola's Will Help With The Changing Seasons

 LOLA'S has a large selection of rain boots this season. We have started stocking the store with  rain gear, and other items for winter. Below is an example of a pair of stylish suede boots we just put in the store: